Ketamine Treatment for Depression – Meet the True North Strong and Free
From surgical anesthetic to the club drug known as “Special K,” Ketamine has been used for a variety of purposes, some legal, and some not. In the US, the FDA has approved Ketamine for use in treating depression—specifically what is known as Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD).
In Canada, adoption of Ketamine for depressed patients has been slower to take shape, but is gaining momentum. Led by a team at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Center in Ottawa under the direction of Dr. Pierre Blier, Canadian researchers are learning that Ketamine can transform the lives of individuals who do not respond to SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor).
Ketamine Treatment for Depression is Coming to Canada!
Although Ketamine is not approved yet in Canada for psychiatric use, some practitioners have began to use it in small doses for severely depressed patients, including those with suicidal ideation. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto is one of the first clinics in the country using low-dose Ketamine as an infusion treatment. Today, the cost per treatment is approximately $750CN, and they are not covered by provincial health plans.
As of Q2 in 2019, Health Canada is performing a priority review of a newer form of Ketamine known as Esketamine that is taken through a nasal applicator. As a generic drug lacking the financial backing of pharmaceutical companies, Ketamine studies have taken a comparatively long time to develop. Six Canadian cities are also participating in an international study of the efficacy of Esketamine.
M.Ad – Offering Valuable Insight to Medical Groups Pioneering the Ketamine Industry in Canada
M.Ad is thrilled to be helping a group in Ontario, Canada navigate the establishment of a series of private ketamine clinics dedicated to providing treatment under the supervision of a psychiatrist and educating the public about this incredible treatment. Because M.Ad manages the largest number of ketamine advertising accounts in the United States we’re in an excellent position to offer insights on the market, advertising approaches that work and those that do not.
If the success of IV Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression that we’ve witnessed spread across the United States is any indicator, Ketamine has incredible potential offer hope and healing to many Canadians.
Are there any such clinics in B.C.?
Are there any clinical trials in B.C.?
Hi Wenda,
To our knowledge, no such clinics in British Columbia yet.
Thanks for commenting!
Are there any clinical trials in Alberta?
Hi Wendy,
No clinics in Alberta yet. There is one in Saskatchewan. Contact us for further details.
Thanks for commenting!
When will it be available in alberta,Canada?
Hi Tom!
No clinics in Alberta yet to our knowledge. However, there is one in Saskatoon. Contact us for further details.
Any idea if there is one in Halifax?
Hi there,
Yes, there is a clinic in Halifax offering IV Ketamine infusions! Please send us an email if you would like more information.
Thanks for the comment.
Is there a clinic in St. John’s, NL? If not, how do I reach the one in Halifax?
Thank you
Hi! I’ve received weekly ketamine treatments, since July 2019. They are covered if they are for chronic pain, but extremely costly if labeled for depression. Often depression and chronic pain go hand in hand, so push for the pain angle, and it will be covered. I currently travel to Toronto Ontario, where there are 2 clinics. If you are on disability, the Dr can push for taxis to treatments to be covered by your provincial disability plan. I also belive there is one somewhere in Saskachewan. It has been life changing for me. Still in pain, still depressed, but its nowhere near levels before treatment.
Ask your Dr’s, and do some googling. Clinics and help are out there for you! Don’t give up
Is anyone offering Ketamine treatments in B.C. at this time.
Hi Wendy – I’m probably going to try ketamine for depression in BC. You can contact me if you want (email
Will the new esketamine treatments cost less? Is there a way to apply for grants to subsidize some of the costs? Is there a range of different treatments such as low oral doses or is it the same thing everywhere, sessions and therapy. And would there be barriers to someone with a history (but recovered) of addiction? Thank you.
Hi does anyone know if this is avaliable in quebec yet for chronic neuropathy in pill form
Wheels for the Wise, provides travel (to and from home) too for Veterans on approved pension related conditions like PTSD and Ketamine treatments in NB, PE, NS and ON.
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!